Saturday, March 27, 2010

long term survivor-stage IV breast cancer

Rhonda Abrams, is another long term survivor of Stage IV breast cancer who attributes Vitamin D being responsible for her survival.
You can read her story here:

Stage IV Breast Cancer Patient in Remission for 5yrs

This stage IV breast cancer patient took control of her management and brought her vitamin D levels up to optimal. Five years later she is still in remission. Here is a link to her blog and story.

Vitamin D3 and Influenza

The latest data showing that Vitamin D plays an essential role in activating the immune system explains the earlier findings that Vitamin D prevents flu and other infections. It also explains why TB patients used to be sent out of the cities and into the country to get sun. It was the only cure in those days. There is a link on the D3 world website under 'in the news' that shows these data.